Sunday, February 3, 2013

Early to Bed, Early to Rise...

Loved Ones,

I figured this blog entry would be a good time to talk about my New Year’s resolution.  It’s been over a month since January 1 and this is about the time that most people either make their resolution permanent or completely throw in the towel.  My resolution was simple: go to bed by 10:30 p.m. every night and wake up by 6 a.m. on the weekdays, and no later than 7:30 a.m. on the weekends.  My resolution sounds simple.  In reality, sleep and getting the right amount of it is something I have struggled with since I was a teenager.  Too much sleep or not enough and my mood, productivity, and well-being have taken the resulting hits.  Now, over the years I’ve learned to compensate.  Sleeping till noon (or later) would rob me of several hours each weekend and I would make up for it by staying up later a few nights a week.  Having kids resulted in at least three or four years of not sleeping through the night on a consistent basis.  I had also proclaimed myself a proud night owl, which did not help.  I had turned down really good jobs because they required waking up too early.  The result was constant exhaustion, sort of a low grade ever present fatigue, the result of which was usually an inability to focus on command.  I might also have been a tad irritable on occasion.

I knew embracing my inner morning person after hiding her away for the last thirty years would be tough so I enlisted some help.  First, I began setting an alarm for 10:30 p.m. so I would remind myself when it was time to go to bed.  I set my alarm clock and put it in my bathroom so I would be forced to get out of bed to turn it off.  I also started drinking herbal tea and turning off the t.v. and computer around 10 p.m. and started using that time to read in case the blue light from the screens do keep me up.  (I have been pretty good about the turning the t.v. off at 10 p.m. but Thursdays are really hard because of Scandal but hey, this is a work in progress.)  I’ve gotten some strange looks from friends when the alarm goes off at 10:30 pm and have a hard time staying out past 10 p.m., which isn’t always great for my social life.  However, my productivity has definitely gone up.  I have gained almost an extra day per week and I’m using that time to work out, eat better, read, journal, call my mom, and procrastinate less.  The best benefit is that I don’t feel like I’m sleepwalking through life.

I’ve had a few relapses.  My former night owl self is ever present and tempting me to watch late night t.v. or read a few blogs into the wee hours of the morning on Friday nights.  I’ve had one or two late nights here and there and of course, I’m a big Scandal fan have to remind myself that I can watch it online at another time.  For the most part though, I’m doing ok and am learning to love morning Akunna.  I think the rest of the world likes her better too, especially my son who doesn’t sleep past 8 a.m. unless he’s sick.  He doesn't have to drag his cranky mom out of bed to make breakfast anymore, I beat him to the kitchen now.    I guess Ben Franklin was onto something when he said that early to bed and early to rise makes a man (or woman) healthy, wealthy, and wise.  In my case, I hope it will help me get there faster.

Love always,


Saturday, January 5, 2013

Who's in Charge in 2013?

Happy New Year Loved Ones!

For the last week or so of 2012 and these first few days of 2013, I’ve been reflecting (as many people have) on the lessons of 2012 and areas for growth in 2013.  2012 started off a bit rocky but I knew it had to end up being better than 2011.  Well, I was right.  2012 was a catalyst year and my sense is that in 2013, I will become more of who I am meant to be.  I think this is the year that I will figure out what direction I want to take my career.  I’m learning to tune into spirit more and this blog is one way that I will share more of that with the world, so here goes!

I want to talk about one of the best things that happened to me in 2012, getting into Yale Law School.  If you know me, you know that I’ve been dreaming of going to law school for a very long time.  It has been one of those dreams that has risen to the surface and retreated several times since I was 12 years old.  In many ways, it is the profession that I always imagined my ideal self as being capable of, maybe as a result of watching too much Matlock as a kid.  I always thought I was too introverted and shy to be a lawyer so I wanted to be a doctor instead.   My seventh grade civics teacher selected me to play one of two attorneys in a class simulation and that was the beginning of my ability to envision myself as a lawyer.  In college, I postponed law school in favor of the Foreign Service because I reasoned I would leave the State Department for law school after my four year fellowship was completed.  Well four years turned into eight and for half that time I just dreamt about going to law school and didn’t take any action to get there.  I have realized that God, as with everything, was preparing me for law school and putting all the pieces in place for me to do it .

I took a job with the Deputy Secretary of State because of my experience working on Africa, but was assigned the legal portfolio only because my predecessor had been a lawyer and had the portfolio.  As a result, I got to know the State Department’s legal advisor, who happened to be the former Dean of Yale Law School.  When I began the law school application process, I was in the early stages of my divorce and thought I would have to stay in Washington, DC because of an agreement I had with my ex but just a few weeks before law school applications were due he announced his plans to move to Texas, which freed me to consider law schools around the country.  My LSAT scores weren’t in the range of the typical top law school candidate so admission to Yale or any other top law school wasn’t likely but I kept getting a feeling that I was going to Yale. 

To make a long story short, there were countless miracles and coincidences and right people in the right places at the right times that led me to that acceptance letter.  I am now focused on figuring out how to get the most out of law school confident that it is where I belong right now.  I am armed with an incredible amount of life experience that will undoubtedly be a tremendous asset in New Haven and beyond.  This is the same sort of feeling I have about the other areas of my life that are in "in progress".  When I look back I see all the moments that led to this time and place and there is a peace that comes from knowing that someone else, a benevolent someone with my best interests in mind, is in charge. 
The best part is that I’m not the only one.  The universe is constantly conspiring for the good of everyone.  I have been thinking about starting this blog for sometime and hope that at least some, if not all, of what I have to share resonates with you.  If it does, feel free to comment or share.  I am wishing you all lots of love in 2013!

Love always,
